Native instruments support

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Grouping all filter automation parameters under a “Filter” category is waaaay better than a huge list of automation parameters with a seemingly random arrangement. But when you want to automate parameters, VST3 plug-ins can make life a whole lot easier if the manufacturer took advantage of the parameter categorization options. 3) a drawback, because they can’t organize plug-ins the way they like (although most hosts provide some kind of plug-in manager, in which case it doesn’t matter). Some consider plug-in categorization (fig. Hierarchical plug-in and automation parameter categorization.The manufacturer has to implement this, but it’s a significant change compared to VST 2.4. They also break down the main enhancements of VST3 and put them in a list: Manufacturers can implement some VST3 attributes, no VST3 attributes, or all VST3 attributes.' 'remember, VST3 isn’t a spec like AES/EBU interfaces or the Red Book CD - it’s a set of well-thought-out recommendations. From the end of this excellent write-up about VST2 vs VST3 by Sweetwater:

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